Tuesday, September 10, 2024


APG Meeting September 24th, 6:00–7:30 PM @ The Lyndon House

The September APG meeting will feature short talks by several APG members about their favorite places to photograph in Georgia, including potential photo subjects, seasonal considerations and travel logistics. The speaker list is still being finalized, but will include:

  • Angi Crockett Hanson on George L. Smith State Park in Emanuel County, Georgia
  • Wade Sheldon on Gibbs Gardens in Cherokee County, Georgia
  • Ben Slaboda on Sparta in Hancock County, Georgia

After the presentations we will open up the floor for a group discussion, so please come prepared to share your insights and ideas with the group! We will also compile the suggestions into a document that will be posted here after the meeting for future reference.

Monday, August 12, 2024

Getting Started with DSLR Video


APG Meeting August 27th, 6:00–7:30 PM @ The Lyndon House

The August APG meeting will feature a talk by Kidd Fielteau on “Getting Started with DSLR Video – Lessons from the Teen Media Arts Club”.

Kidd Fielteau is a food and product photographer, formerly a beauty and fashion photographer, based in Athens, Georgia. He is currently the teacher for the Lyndon House Teen Media Arts Club. The club helps students engage in the process of videography by forming their own story ideas and then creating and editing digital video.

Images (c) Kidd Fielteau

Some examples of Kidd’s photography are below, and more information about his work is available on his website at https://www.fell2photography.com/

Images (c) Kidd Fielteau

Monday, July 8, 2024


Better Backyard Bird Photos: Tips, Tricks, Secrets, and Cheats

APG Meeting July 23rd, 6:00–7:30 PM @ The Lyndon House

Whether you’re an ace or a novice, if you want better photos of the birds in your backyard and garden, this presentation is for you.

Join Chuck Murphy for a review of the basic do’s and don’ts of backyard bird photography. Beyond that, Chuck will share some tips and tricks to help you get great shots of the birds in your backyard and garden. Whether you’re using your phone, a point-and-shoot, or professional gear, you’ll learn new techniques to get the most out of what you have. For example: how to get good photos of the birds at your feeder while enjoying a cup of coffee on your deck.

Chuck’s presentation is non-technical, jargon-free, and interactive. Join us for a fun and informative session to create bird photos you’ll be proud to share!

Note: Many of the basic concepts Chuck covers will also help you with other sorts of photography, such as street, portraits, architecture, weddings, or even naked skydiving.

For a sample of some of Chuck’s bird pictures from his backyard, check out boywithcamera.com/backyard

Chuck Murphy is a lifetime photographer, specializing in birds for the last three decades. He’s had four shows at the State Botanical Garden, with a fifth coming up next January. His photos have been accepted into curated exhibits at The Georgia Museum of Art, Lyndon House Arts Center, Oconee County Arts Foundation, and the Chattahoochee Nature Center. He’s had pictures published in Popular Photography, Outdoor Photographer, and the National Wildlife Federation’s magazine, calendar, and gift card set. He’s got a hummingbird video on YouTube that has garnered 236,000 views, and a crow video with over 850,000 views.

Chuck has taught photography classes for UGA Continuing Education, OLLI@UGA, and the State Botanical Garden. He also enjoys sharing his expertise via presentations at photography clubs around North Georgia, as well as through two prior talks for APG.

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Available Light Event Photography

APG Meeting May 28th, 6:00–7:30 PM @ The Lyndon House

Event photography is a fun and rewarding activity, particularly in a busy college town like Athens, Georgia. From festivals and rallies to concerts and plays, there are always vibrant and colorful subjects to photograph and people who are anxious to see and share (and sometimes pay for) your images. However, many events are held at night or indoors where using flash is either forbidden, ineffective or unwelcome, making taking quality photographs a challenge.

Our speaker this month, Wade Sheldon, will discuss his experience and recommendations for indoor event photography using available light. He will cover gear recommendations, suggested camera settings and post-processing strategies for successful image-making in dark indoor venues like theaters, bars and concert halls. He will also discuss strategies for getting access to event spaces for the best photographic opportunities.

(images copyright Wade Sheldon)

Wade is a semi-retired marine scientist at the University of Georgia, specializing in scientific computing and environmental data management. He bought his first camera after graduating from college, a Canon T-70 film body, and has been hooked on photography ever since. He currently uses the Fuji X-system and pursues a wide range of photo subjects semi-professionally, including promotional and event photography for UGA, Cedar Theatre, Bear Hollow Zoo, and various non-profit groups and scientific societies, as well as landscape and general nature photography. Wade’s photos have appeared in multiple Lyndon House and OCAF juried shows and special exhibits, as well as technical publications and regional magazines including the UGA Research Reporter. You can view some of Wade’s recent work on his website at www.sheldonphoto.net.

Tuesday, March 5, 2024


One of a kind Images – Finding your unique way of seeing

APG Meeting March 26th, 6:00–7:30 PM @ The Lyndon House

This month, long-time photography educator Jim Morgenthaler will share his insights on making unique images and finding your personal style in photography.

 Images (c) Jim Morgenthaler

Images (c) Jim Morgenthaler

Jim has taught photography classes at UGA, Athens Tech and the John C. Campbell Folk school.

Tuesday, January 30, 2024

 Seestar Smart Telescope

APG Meeting February 27th, 6:00–7:30 PM @ The Lyndon House

This month, APG’s resident astrophotography expert Steve Binkley will introduce us to the Seestar S50 Smart Telescope. This inexpensive, compact telescope has built-in Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connectivity and is controlled using mobile apps to automatically capture stars, nebulae, the moon and the sun, as well as telephoto images on land. It provides automatic star tracking as well as light pollution filtering, so it’s ready to use out of the box for astrophotography unlike complex star tracking mounts and conventional telescopes.

Images (c) Steve Binkley

Steve is a long-time astrophotography enthusiast who has been shooting the night sky for over 20 years. Steve also operates his own dark skies observatory near Rayle, Georgia.